Growing Wings

Growing Wings offers a creative and gentle experience of a child’s journey through loss and gain in life. Losing a pet, family member, or friend is a traumatic experience for anyone and especially for a child. There are no perfect words to describe the feelings attached to loss and certainly no concrete rules of how to help a child cope with losing someone or something they love.   As a Hospital Chaplain, Kim Crawford witnessed many situations in a level one trauma hospital, where adults told children how to feel in difficult circumstances. Sometimes children were told not to cry, not to express, and to sit still and be quiet. She encourages adults to invite children to talk about how they feel, share their memories of the loved one, and normalize the child’s emotions.

Kim Crawford’s, Growing Wings, beautifully, yet simply, expresses through words and illustrations the excitement a child feels when making a new friend, and the pain and disappointment when this loved one leaves for any reason.

Available on Amazon, or from the author: Kim Crawford: psalm40.123@gmail.com.

See page from Growing Wings below…

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2 comments on “Growing Wings

  1. Hi Kim, what age group do you recommend this book for?


  2. My recommendation regarding age would be 3rd grade and younger. I have a grown many who said the book helped him with grief he has carried for many years. You never know what word, phrase, illustration, or thought the Lord will use to reach someone’s heart. My hope is that anyone and everyone will find something to love about Growing Wings.

    Thank you,


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