About Unveiled and Untangled

Kim black dress.jpg Unveiled and Untangled includes writings from my heart along my journey. At a young age, we begin to wear veils that hide the beauty God created in us, and our lives become tangled in the webs of the world and in the fears of judgment and the unknown. Writing helps me to experience who I am underneath this veil, helps me to cope, to focus on God’s purpose for my life, and to live with courage without that veil.

My life experience includes many difficult challenges, but God has shown me I may choose to abound in joy regardless of those circumstances!  Focusing on salvation and an eternal glory enables fullness of joy for me.  Remaining in God’s Word, prayer, giving continual thanks, and giving Jesus Christ the glory pours an abundance of joy into my life. God has a purpose for us, and I have known this since He breathed for me when I did not breathe for 11 minutes at birth.  God has also displayed His power in my life throughout my journey.

This blog includes stories about the blessings in my life, poems, devotions, and hopefully a little bit of joy for everyone. You will notice I write more when in celebration or distress usually. The mountains and the valleys. Life is so much one or the other.

To contact me for prayer,  for a copy of my book Growing Wings, or for speaking at your church/event email me: psalm40.123@gmail.com.

For God’s Glory!

Chaplain Kim Crawford

Kim Crawford is a Board Certified Chaplain through the Association of Professional Chaplains, Children’s Author, Instructor of Laughter Yoga, Children’s Ministry Leader, Drama Ministry Leader, and has a Master’s of Divinity. She is a native of Birmingham, AL.

3 comments on “About Unveiled and Untangled

  1. Kim, you are an inspiration, for I know enough about the challenges you have faced to know that you have had “real” pain and suffering in your life, yet you let your light shine so brightly with your joy. Thank you for being my friend, for now and always. Lana


  2. Lana, you always touch my heart with your love!
    Big hug and I miss you!


  3. I am a better person for having known you and Ken. Even though we don’t serve together anymore I am still inspired by your devotion to our Lord.


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